
Do you love watching TV? How many hours a day you spend for watching? Do you know that, watching Television can lower your sperm count? Surprised!! Well, this is not what I am saying. I am just telling you what the Harvard School of Public Health study says.

Even a few years ago, there were no discussions related to health disadvantages of Television. But, over time, it has been found that, watching television can even kill people. Better, not talk about this issue. Now let’s see what the report of Harvard School of Public Health study have actually said.

To Whom the Study was conducted?

To conduct the study, the researchers and scientists examined the quality of semen of 189 young New Yorker whose ages were in between 18 and 22. The candidates were asked about the amount of time they spend for watching Television or DVDs. All these 189 young men had normal height and weight. Majority of these candidates were non- smoker.

Findings of the Study:

It is found in the research that, men who watch TV more than twenty hours a week produce 44% less sperm than who watch TV rarely. Yes!! TV lovers, you have a bad news!! Indeed!

The research also reports that, the men who do physical exercise more than 15 hours a week have 75% more sperm producing ability than the people who don’t do physical exercise or do less than five hours a week. So, this is definitely very frustrating news for the people who do desk jobs and don’t do physical exercise regularly.

The study also reveals that, the rate of declining sperm count is very high in the Western Countries. So, you can easily understand how much time these people spend for watching television. The study also says that, excessive watching of TV damages the quality of sperm (in terms of sperm concentration and count). Nearly 44% men are become the victim of declining sperm count within a very short time.

Reason behind This:

Now, let’s know the scientific explanation behind the whole thing. The scientists have said that, due to remain on the sitting position for a long time can increase scrotal temperature which results in producing poor quality sperm.

Original Explanation:

Yes!! Watching TV is a cause behind declining sperm count. But, the actual thing is bit different. Watching TV can be referred as less physical exercise. Due to having less or no physical exercise the normal sperm count is hampered.

I believe you have already discovered the solution. Yes!! It’s physical exercise. The more physical exercise a man does the more he ensures his normal sperm count.

In the End:

One thing you should definitely understand. People often say that, lower sperm count results in less fertility. Well!! This is just a rumor. There is no scientific explanation behind such saying. But, it will be better not become a victim of declining sperm count. Who knows!! May be this will lead you anther sexual disease.


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